Crosby High School

The CHS Uniform

All uniform should be clearly labelled. Outside coats cannot be worn inside the building. Hats can be worn when pupils are outside the building.

Lockers are available so that pupils can lock bags and belongings away.

Leonard Hudson is the company we have use to purchase our ties from. You are able to order from the website, however the school will order school ties from our supplier and families can purchase the ties from school.

School hoodies are purchased by the school from a different supplier and gifted to pupils when they start at our school. If a family wishes to purchase additional hoodies then they should contact school and school will manage this process. The supplier that we use for school hoodies is determined each academic year.

All other uniform items are non-branded, not containing the school logo, and can be purchased from various suppliers, supermarkets and high street stores for ease of purchasing.

School Uniform

Black skirt(knee length)/black trousers
Plain white shirt
Green/ gold tie (to be ordered from the school) *
Green V neck pullover or cardigan
Low black shoes
Black or white socks
Black blazer (optional)

Alternatively pupils can wear a school hoodie

School supplies a variety of types of ties to suit the needs of each child. We supply standard ties, velcro ties, elasticated and clip-on ties.


Black trousers
Plain white shirt
Green/gold tie (to be ordered from the school) *
Green V neck pullover
Black shoes
Black socks
Black blazer (optional)

Alternatively pupils can wear a school hoodie

School supplies a variety of types of ties to suit the needs of each child. We supply standard ties, velcro ties, elasticated and clip-on ties.

 PE Kit (All Years)

White T shirt (plain)

Black shorts, legging or tracksuit bottoms and white/black socks

Trainers or pumps

Outdoor activity a tracksuit top or the school hoodie 

Parents are responsible for ensuring their child brings their PE kit to school when needed.

 Forest School (All Years)

Green Forest School t-shirt

Black tracksuit bottoms

Old outdoor shoes suitable for mud or wellingtons

In colder weather wear the school hoodie and a warm outdoor coat


Forest School pupils are given a school Forest School t-shirt by the school, but they need to pay for it if they lose it.

Family Support and Second Hand Uniforms

  • The school may support the cost of purchasing uniforms for families deemed as being in genuine need of financial support in this area.
  • We have some second-hand items of school uniform in our school which can be offered to families for free if and when required.


The school rules on jewellery are as follows: 

  • One pair of stud earrings may be worn – no other piercings are permitted.
  • A smart and sensible wrist watch may be worn.

Pupils will be advised that jewellery is their personal responsibility and not that of the school. Lost or damaged items will not be refunded. All jewellery must be removed during practical lessons, including PE lessons and science experiments. 

Any jewellery that can cause a health and safety risk or are deemed to be inappropriate for school will be required to be removed.

Makeup and Cosmetics

The school rules on makeup and cosmetics are as follows: 

  • Only natural-looking makeup is permitted
  • False nails, flash eyelashes and nail extensions are not permitted 
  • Only clear nail varnish may be worn 
  • Temporary tattoos are not permitted

Pupils wearing excessive makeup will be required to remove it. Any makeup or cosmetics that can cause a health and safety risk or are deemed to be inappropriate for school will be required to be removed.

Hairstyles and Headwear

The school reserves the right to make a judgement on whether a pupil’s hairstyle, hair colour or headwear is inappropriate for the school environment; however, the school will ensure that any such judgements do not discriminate against any pupil by virtue of their protected characteristics. Each individual pupil’s scenario will be taken into account where any judgements on appropriateness are to be made, and parents will always have the freedom to complain via the school’s Complaints Procedures Policy.

Pupils with long hair must ensure that this does not impede their vision, cover their face, or cause a health and safety risk. Long hair must be tied up during practical lessons, e.g. during PE.

Uniform Adaptations

As all of our pupils have special needs, we have a system of uniform adaptations to support their needs when they impact on their wearing of school uniform. Uniform adaptations are agreed with school, parents/carers and pupils and then shared with all staff. Parents can contact school to request a uniform adaptation. Uniform adaptations can also be requested in annual reviews or in meetings or discussions with parents regarding a pupils’ incorrect use of uniform.

Mobile Phones

Pupils are permitted to bring mobile phones into school so pupils can use them when travelling to and from our site. However, pupils are not allowed access to them on the school grounds. The school is not liable for loss or theft or breakage whilst on phones are on the school premises. All phones must be handed to office staff first thing in the morning. They will be returned at the end of the day.